wUhT pPl r sAyIng

"He's fucking nuts." 
-Normal People

"When the bass dropped in 666 Step my girlfriend's panties blew off"
-Andiriy L

 "My addiction to lattzmode is getting fucking out of hand" 

"If you listen to it backwards your balls grow up to twice the size"

 "I swear" 

"mLattz is one crazy motherfucker" 
-Mr. Obvious

"He drinks whale blood."
-Dolphin Legend

 "once a crowd of girls snuck into his room to gang rape him and he just turned on rasputins folly and they gtfo" 
-OU college campus rumor

"His family isn't even emo" 
-Next Door Neighbors

"Seriously this dude is insane. not in a good way either"
-Gunnar B

"Almost as good as my 2nd LP"


  1. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Hahaha!!! XD i would soooo fuck this guy!!!! XOXOXOXO

  2. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Fake and gay


comment. luv to hear wut u have to say. not.